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Friday, December 9, 2011

New Arena : Area 51

Area 51 is now open , thats the 3rd , and the newest arena

- Area 51 has a new feature called Kill Streak

- Arena 51 fights will use your crew (5vs5 like dead end)

- After each x killings you gain a Kill Streak - it will give you some bonuses

- Mafia Wars 2 Area 51 have new tokens called Alien Tokens

- New collection - Alien Statue decoration when you trade it

- And of course theres a shop for you to spend you Alien Tokens and get some nice gear :)

- For some reason zynga didnt hid gun safe at Area 51 (same with pinion map which released earlier today)

Tanya will let you know about Arena 51

After traveling to Area 51 , Tanya will pop up again and explain how it works : (click to zoom)

And after killing few people she will explain about the Kill Streak

The rewards after making a streak are :

And last note from Tanya - as you make more Kill Streaks your enemies will be stronger.

After losing 1 fight the Kill Streak will get restarted